Neena E. Thomas-Eapen, MD, FAAFP
Neena E. Thomas-Eapen, MD, FAAFP
- Family and Community Medicine

Dr. Thomas-Eapen's practice includes most aspects of family medicine, integrative primary care, and office procedures, primarily for adults. She does complete skin exams, skin and soft tissue surgeries like biopsies, excisions, debridement and abscess drainage, partial and total nail removals, large joint injections, trigger point injections, gynecological procedures – Nexplanon placement and removal, IUD placement and removal, endometrial biopsy, and colposcopy. She is trained in guided imagery and will do sessions for appropriate conditions if the patient is interested. She works with training preventive medicine and family medicine residents and medical students, who are an integral part of her team.
Faculty Rank
- Associate Professor of Family and Community Medicine
Training & Education
Certifications and Special Training
Insurance Information
Insurance policies can vary widely. Please check with your doctor/clinic for specific insurance information before your visit or procedure to avoid unexpected out-of-pocket costs.
See list of insurers
Patient Review