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New Year’s resolutions: Small changes can make a big difference

A jogger climbs steps.

Resolving to make your health a priority this year? That’s terrific, but it can be tough to know just where to start.

The key is to think small. Rather than trying to make wholesale lifestyle changes that can be virtually impossible to maintain, try making small changes that can add up to big progress over time.

Try these:

Get moving. If you’ve been inactive, vowing to go to the gym every single day will probably backfire. Instead, go to the gym one more day a week than you’ve been going, or just find small ways to add movement to your day by parking your car farther from your destination, taking the stairs instead of the elevator or getting up from your desk once an hour to walk around.

Be mindful of your food. Incorporate more fruits and vegetables into your meals each day. Eat slowly and stop eating when you feel full.

Step away from the sugar. Too much sugar can increase your risk of heart disease, obesity and diabetes. If you enjoy soft drinks, allow yourself one once in a while as a treat, but otherwise drink unsweetened tea or sparkling water. (Remember that diet drinks are not a good option; studies show they can actually lead to weight gain and other issues.)

Drink more water. Staying hydrated has a wealth of health benefits such as better digestion, improved kidney function and controlled appetite. Try keeping a water bottle at your desk and setting a reminder to drink every two hours.

Appreciate your shuteye. Adequate sleep is a great investment in your health, so don’t scrimp – you need at least seven hours a night. If you have trouble falling asleep, limit your caffeine consumption, especially after lunch.

Cut yourself some slack. Improving your health is a long-term effort, so don’t let one mistake or setback get you down. Instead, resolve to do better going forward.

Share your efforts. Having a support system can make your resolutions seem less overwhelming, so talk with friends and family members about your health goals, struggles and successes.

Next steps:

  • Want a weekly dose of health and wellness information? Sign up for our HealthMatters e-newsletter, which is packed with useful tips and advice and delivered to your inbox once a week.
  • If you’ve resolved to quit smoking, we can help. Check out these tobacco cessation tips and subscribe to this blog for upcoming features on how to quit.
This content was produced by UK HealthCare Brand Strategy.

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