Online Scheduling Instructions for UHS Employee Urgent Care
UK Health Plans Urgent Care Clinic Online Access Instructions (PP)
To schedule an appointment for the UK Health Plans Urgent Care Clinic online please follow these steps:
(Please note: Online scheduling is for employees only. Please contact the Patient Access Center at 859-323-7425 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday for appointments regarding dependents over age 18.)
1. Access myUK here. Log in using your LinkBlue ID
2. Click on the "Employee Self-Service" tab at the top and then click on the "myUK Health Service" link at the bottom
3. Select “Appointment” on the tab bar at the top of the screen.
4. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and pick the “UK Health Plan Urgent Care Clinic” and then click "Submit." (You must pick this.)
5. Search for an appointment by Selecting the reason code “Sick Visit” and Provider code “All” using the down arrow to the far right, then click "Submit."
6. View the special instructions related to your appointment you have selected, then click "OK."
7. Appointment for this clinic can be scheduled only 24 hours in advance. If you don’t see any appointments listed for the current date, try clicking the following day. If there still aren’t any appointments listed, Call 323-SICK to see if any are available which aren’t showing online.
8. Once you select a date and time, you should receive an email confirming the appointment. Please plan on arriving 15 minutes early. Bring your photo ID, insurance card, copayment and an updated medication list.
9. You may now sign off of the portal by clicking "Log Out."