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UK Sleep Disorders Center

In 2021, UK HealthCare was informed that Philips Respironics issued a voluntary recall for several models of its CPAPs, BiLevel PAPs and ventilator devices. The recall is due to two issues related to a type of foam used in these devices.

Learn more about the medical device recall.

The inability to fall asleep or stay asleep can lead to myriad problems, including daytime sleepiness, difficulty thinking and an inability to function properly. If left untreated, a lack of quality sleep can also cause serious physical and mental health issues. As experts in diagnosing and treating sleep-disordered breathing and other sleep disorders, we’re here to help.

The UK Sleep Disorders Center, which is accredited by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine and The Joint Commission, has a team of sleep experts who work together to provide diagnosis and treatment for an array of sleep disorders in adults 18 and older. (For children 17 and younger, including infants, UK HealthCare provides diagnosis and treatment for pediatric sleep disorders at the Kentucky Children’s Tempur Sealy Pediatric Sleep Center.)

Since 1982, our dedicated team has cared for patients in our clinic and hospital-based diagnostic sleep center. Our sleep technologists are trained respiratory therapists, and our sleep medicine physicians are board-certified in sleep medicine and fellowship-trained and board-certified in pulmonary and critical care medicine. This allows us to expertly and safely diagnose and treat patients with complex respiratory and cardiac conditions.

Understanding sleep disorders

There are more than 80 recognized sleep disorders. The team at the UK Sleep Disorders Center can diagnose and treat all sleep disorders, including common conditions, such as:

  • Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) — A blocked airway results in snoring and breathing lapses during sleep. In addition to causing myriad sleep complaints, including daytime sleepiness and disturbed quality of sleep, OSA can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, including stroke.
  • Central sleep apnea (CSA) — The brain doesn’t properly signal the body to breathe during sleep, which can result in lack of breathing or shallow breathing.
  • Treatment-emergent central sleep apnea — Some patients whose OSA is successfully treated may develop CSA as a result of positive airway pressure treatment.
  • Snoring — While breathing during sleep, tissues vibrate as air passes. Snoring can be caused by nose and throat conditions, sleep style, alcohol use, excessive weight, and age.
  • Circadian rhythm disorders — Patients are unable to sleep at normal times.
  • Idiopathic hypersomnia — Excessive sleepiness causes people to fall asleep at inappropriate times.
  • Insomnia — Patients are unable to fall or stay asleep.
  • Narcolepsy — Patients experience overwhelming sleepiness that can include uncontrolled sleep attacks.
  • Parasomnias — Parasomnias cause unwanted behaviors while sleeping, such as sleepwalking, sleep terrors, sleep eating disorder, sleep paralysis, bedwetting, sleep talking and nightmares.
  • Restless legs syndrome — The need to move legs during rest makes it difficult to fall asleep.

Diagnosis and management of sleep disorders

The UK Sleep Disorders Center serves as both a clinic and a diagnostic sleep center, with provider visits available for adults during daytime hours at the clinic.

New patients to the clinic will meet with a provider, who will discuss symptoms, take a medical history and determine if a sleep study is necessary. Depending on your symptoms, you may undergo a home sleep study or a monitored study at the sleep center. Our sleep center has six beds, including hospital beds for patients who can’t sleep on their backs or aren’t as mobile. After the sleep study, a follow-up visit is performed to discuss the results, and treatment can begin if necessary.

If devices, such as positive airway pressure (PAP) machines are recommended, patients will return to the clinic regularly to monitor device use and efficacy. Patients undergoing other types of therapy will return to the clinic on an individualized schedule.

Referrals can be made to our partners, such as to dentistry for custom oral devices that can help with sleep disordered breathing. Patients with insomnia may be referred to a psychology partner for cognitive behavioral therapy, a medication-free option that is the standard of care for the condition.

Day sleep studies

Studies done at the UK Sleep Disorders Center during the day include:

  • Actigraphy — During this test, a device is worn around the wrist to monitor movement. Using the information collected, sleep experts can total sleep time, wake time, number of awakenings, and levels of activity. The device can record information for several days or several weeks.
  • Home sleep studies — Patients take home a monitor for one night that uses a sensor around the chest, as well as an oxygen saturation finger clip and an airflow sensor worn on the nose, to record airflow, chest and abdomen movement, heart rate, oxygen saturation, sleep position, and snoring.
  • Multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) — This test is a series of monitored naps that take place after an overnight sleep study.
  • PAP NAP — Under the guidance of sleep team members, this trial can help patients with sleep apnea learn to be more comfortable using their PAP machine so they can use it every night.

Night sleep studies

Studies done at the UK Sleep Disorders Center at night include:

  • Polysomnography — This overnight sleep study uses a series of painless sensors to monitor brain waves, oxygen levels, heart rate, breathing, and movement to diagnose sleep disorders.
  • PAP titrations — A titration study determines the proper level of air pressure necessary to relieve sleep apnea.

Frequently asked questions about overnight sleep studies

How long does the sleep study last?

Please arrive by 8 p.m. on the night of your sleep study appointment. You will be registered at the window and then escorted into the UK Sleep Disorders Center. The study usually ends by 6 a.m.

Can I schedule a sleep study over the weekend?

Yes. Friday and Saturday night sleep studies are available.

Can someone stay with me overnight?

We can make accommodations for someone to stay if a patient has transportation or medical concerns.

What should I bring with me?

Though we have hospital gowns and bedding available, we encourage you to bring your own comfortable pajamas and a favorite pillow or blanket with you to improve your sleeping experience. Please bring any medications that you need to take at night with you, as we do not dispense medications.

Is a bathroom available to me?

Each study room has its own bathroom, and showering facilities are also available.

What happens during the sleep study?

The technologist will explain the process and then attach the sensors for the sleep study. Sensors will be placed over your scalp with gel. This washes out easily with soap and water. As you sleep, the sensors will monitor your heart rate, breathing patterns, movement, snoring, oxygen levels and brain waves. The results are recorded for a physician to review and make a diagnosis.

What happens after the sleep study?

When your sleep study is over, you will return home or go to work. A sleep medicine physician will review your results and determine a diagnosis, and the results of the test will be shared with you during a follow-up appointment.

What is a CPAP machine?

A continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine is a device that is used to treat disordered breathing. The CPAP mask, which is worn as you sleep, allows increased air pressure to enter the throat. As a result, the throat stays open when you inhale, allowing you to breathe more easily during sleep. There are several types of CPAP machines, and your doctor will determine the type and settings that are right for you.

What are DMEs and how do I get my equipment and supplies?

Durable medical equipment (DME) provider are stores that provide medical equipment patients need at home. Your sleep medicine physician will write a prescription for the equipment and supplies you need and recommend a DME provider that can get you everything you need. In some cases, your health insurance company will determine which DME you need to use.

What are the insurance requirements to keep my CPAP machine?

The requirements, as well as the level of coverage for your CPAP, vary depending on your policy. To ensure you will use the equipment regularly and correctly, some insurance companies require that you undergo a trial for several months before you are approved for ongoing CPAP therapy, while other insurance companies may make you rent or buy the machine.

Information about how often you use the machine is transmitted to the DME provider, and that information is turned over to the insurance company. If you’re not using the CPAP machine as you should, your insurance provider may not pay for the equipment. Many insurance companies, as well as the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, require patients to use the machine for at least four hours per night for 21 days during a consecutive 30-day period.

If I’m scheduled for an MSLT, what should I expect?

The multiple sleep latency test (MSLT) evaluates excessive daytime sleepiness that is suspected to be related to a hypersomnia or narcolepsy.

During this full-day test, you’ll take five naps, usually with about two hours in between each. For each test, you’ll lie down and try to fall asleep, and sleep sensors on your body will measure how long it takes for you to fall asleep. You’ll sleep for 15 minutes during each nap before you’re awakened; and the MSLT ends if you’re not able to fall asleep within 20 minutes.

Patient questionnaires

Are you at risk for obstructive sleep apnea? Complete this questionnaire to learn more.

Do you have an appointment scheduled with UK Sleep Disorders Center? Please fill out the appropriate questionnaire below and bring it to your appointment:


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