Use Self-Scheduling to book a primary care appointment online

The Billing Process

A young woman with a laptop works on her budget.Drug claims

UK Specialty Pharmacy will bill your insurance company for you. However, you may still have to pay a portion of the cost, which is called a copayment. You will be responsible for paying your copayment when you order your medication or refills. We will tell you the exact amount you need to pay.

Outstanding balances

If for any reason you owe a balance, the balance will need to be paid before your next refill. We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover credit cards. We also accept cash, personal checks, money orders and most flexible spending accounts.

Payment plan

If you need help in arranging a payment plan for the money you owe, we will be happy to assist you in setting up a payment plan. Please call us and advise us of your situation.