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UK HealthCare provider profile form

Thank you for helping us manage your UK HealthCare provider profile. After your basic profile is posted you can update or enhance it at any time by using this form.

When writing your profile, please write clearly and concisely using patient-friendly language. A biographical sketch plus information about conditions treated, procedures performed and areas of expertise are particularly helpful.

You also can include a statement about your personal philosophy to give patients a better understanding of your approach.
Contact person
Department contact person

Provider Information

Profile type
Is this a new profile or update?
Example: Director, Cerebrovascular Surgery
Example: Associate Professor of Cerebrovascular, Endovascular, and Skull Base Surgery
Example: American Board of Pediatrics, Surgery

To select multiple practice areas, press and hold control (PC) or command (Mac) while making your selections.

examples: Pav G, First Floor, Room 123 - Thurs and Fridays
Kentucky Clinic, Second Floor, Suite A - Mondays,  8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Do you offer TeleCare?
Please upload a professionally-photographed headshot of yourself in business attire. It should be 400 x 500 pixels, 72 DPI. If you do not have a headshot we ask that you make arrangements to have your professional photo taken as soon as possible after your arrival. You may participate in a UK HealthCare photo session on the hospital campus or schedule a photo session at Holifield Photography. Contact Liz Robertson or call 859-323-0736 for scheduling information.
One file only.
256 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png.
Do you take direct patient appointments and referrals?
Are you seeing new patients at this time?
Answers to the questions below may encourage a patient to request an appointment with you.

Why did you choose to get into your field of medicine? What is your philosophy on patient care? Why should a patient choose you? What are you most interested in outside of practicing medicine? Tell us something surprising/interesting/fun that patients would be surprised to know.
Include links to news articles, presentations or events where you are mentioned. 
Include links to videos or podcasts where you are featured.
Would you like your Curriculum Vitae posted on your profile?
Add provider to HealthGrades online listings management?
Have you created your Doximity profile?