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ICU Recovery Clinic research

Research to improve outcomes and optimize care plays an important role in the work of the ICU Recovery Clinic team at UK HealthCare. This list of selected peer-reviewed manuscripts reflects the work of team members who are actively involved in research on critical care medicine and ICU recovery.

Ongoing research

TitleCellular and Physical Function Outcomes Leading to Failed Muscle Recovery After Critical Illness



PI: Mayer KP


Title:  Reducing social isolation in patients admitted to the ICU using VR-Together

University of Kentucky – IRC Pilot Program

mPI: Strakovsky, Kalema, Glueck, Montgomery-Yates


Title: The Impact of Acute Kidney Injury Requiring Renal Replacement Therapy on the Incidence and Recovery from Critical Illness Muscle Wasting


CORES - Pilot

Co-PI: Griffin (Iowa) and Mayer KP (Kentucky) 


Title: Functional, imaging and respiratory evaluation in CORAL: FIRE CORAL


Site Co-I: Montgomery-Yates, Kalema, Mayer, Soper, Sturgill


Title: Nutrition and Exercise in Critical Illness (The NEXIS Trial):  A Randomized Trial of Combined Cycle Ergometry and Amino Acids in the ICU.



PI: Stapleton R, Needham DM.

Site PI: Montgomery-Yates, AA

Site Co-I: Kalema, Mayer, Sturgill 

Published research

BOLD = ICU Recovery Clinic Team

Underlined = student, trainee, resident, fellow

Mikkelsen ME, Still M, Anderson BJ, Bienvenu OJ, Brodsky MB, Brummel N, Butcher B, Clay AS, Felt H, Ferrante LE, Haines KJ, Harhay MO, Hope AA, Hopkins RO, Hosey M, Hough CTL, Jackson JC, Johnson A, Khan B, Lone NI, MacTavish P, McPeake J, Montgomery-Yates A, Needham DM, Netzer G, Schorr C, Skidmore B, Stollings JL, Umberger R, Andrews A, Iwashyna TJ, Sevin CM. Society of Critical Care Medicine's International Consensus Conference on Prediction and Identification of Long-Term Impairments After Critical Illness. Crit Care Med. 2020 Nov;48(11):1670-1679. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000004586. PMID: 32947467.


Haines KJ, Hibbert E, Leggett N, Boehm LM, Hall T, Bakhru RN, Bastin AJ, Butcher BW, Eaton TL, Harris W, Hope AA, Jackson J, Johnson A, Kloos JA, Korzick KA, Mactavish P, Meyer J, Montgomery-Yates A, Quasim T, Slack A, Wade D, Still M, Netzer G, Hopkins RO, Iwashyna TJ, Mikkelsen ME, McPeake J, Sevin CM; Society of Critical Care Medicine’s Thrive Initiative. Transitions of Care After Critical Illness-Challenges to Recovery and Adaptive Problem Solving. Crit Care Med. 2021 Nov 1;49(11):1923-1931. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000005095. PMID: 34091486; PMCID: PMC8516700.


Sevin CM, Boehm LM, Hibbert E, Bastin AJ, Jackson JC, Meyer J, Quasim T, Bakhru RN, Montgomery-Yates A, Slack A, Still M, Netzer G, Mikkelsen ME, Iwashyna TJ, Haines KJ, McPeake J. Optimizing Critical Illness Recovery: Perspectives and Solutions From the Caregivers of ICU Survivors. Crit Care Explor. 2021 May 12;3(5):e0420. doi: 10.1097/CCE.0000000000000420. PMID: 34079948; PMCID: PMC8162533.


McPeake J, Iwashyna TJ, Boehm LM, Hibbert E, Bakhru RN, Bastin AJ, Butcher BW, Eaton TL, Harris W, Hope AA, Jackson J, Johnson A, Kloos JA, Korzick KA, Meyer J, Montgomery-Yates A, Mikkelsen ME, Slack A, Wade D, Still M, Netzer G, Hopkins RO, Quasim T, Sevin CM, Haines KJ. Benefits of Peer Support for Intensive Care Unit Survivors: Sharing Experiences, Care Debriefing, and Altruism. Am J Crit Care. 2021 Mar 1;30(2):145-149. doi: 10.4037/ajcc2021702. PMID: 33566086; PMCID: PMC8182973.


Hope AA, Johnson AA, McPeake J, Felt H, Sevin CM, Mikkelsen ME, Iwashyna TJ, Lassen-Greene C, Haines KJ, Agarwal S, Bakhru RN, Boehm LM, Butcher BW, Drumright K, Eaton TL, Hibbert E, Hoehn KS, Hornstein D, Imperato-Shedden H, Jackson JC, Kloos JA, Lewis A, Meyer J, Montgomery-Yates A, Rojas V, Schorr C, Wade D, Williams C. Establishing a Peer Support Program for Survivors of COVID-19: A Report From the Critical and Acute Illness Recovery Organization. Am J Crit Care. 2021 Feb 15:e1-e5. doi: 10.4037/ajcc2021675. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33566061; PMCID: PMC8364567.


McPeake J, Boehm LM, Hibbert E, Bakhru RN, Bastin AJ, Butcher BW, Eaton TL, Harris W, Hope AA, Jackson J, Johnson A, Kloos JA, Korzick KA, MacTavish P, Meyer J, Montgomery-Yates A, Quasim T, Slack A, Wade D, Still M, Netzer G, Hopkins RO, Mikkelsen ME, Iwashyna TJ, Haines KJ, Sevin CM. Key Components of ICU Recovery Programs: What Did Patients Report Provided Benefit? Crit Care Explor. 2020 Apr 29;2(4):e0088. doi: 10.1097/CCE.0000000000000088. PMID: 32426730; PMCID: PMC7188426.


Haines KJ, Hibbert E, McPeake J, Anderson BJ, Bienvenu OJ, Andrews A, Brummel NE, Ferrante LE, Hopkins RO, Hough CL, Jackson J, Mikkelsen ME, Leggett N, Montgomery-Yates A, Needham DM, Sevin CM, Skidmore B, Still M, van Smeden M, Collins GS, Harhay MO. Prediction Models for Physical, Cognitive, and Mental Health Impairments After Critical Illness: A Systematic Review and Critical Appraisal. Crit Care Med. 2020 Dec;48(12):1871-1880. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000004659. PMID: 33060502; PMCID: PMC7673641.


Butcher BW, Eaton TL, Montgomery-Yates AA, Sevin CM. Meeting the Challenges of Establishing Intensive Care Unit Follow-up Clinics. Am J Crit Care. 2022 Jul 1;31(4):324-328. doi: 10.4037/ajcc2022987. PMID: 35773186.


Whiteside HL, Hillerson D, Buescher V, Kreft K, Mayer KP, Montgomery-Yates AA, and Gupta VA. Establishing a Cardiac ICU Recovery Clinic: Characterizing a Model for Continuity of Cardiac Critical Care. Critical Pathways in Cardiology. 2022. PMID: 35994722. DOI:10.1097/HPC.0000000000000294


Danesh V, Boehm LM, Eaton TL, Arroliga AC, Mayer KP, Kesler SR, Bakhru RN, Baram M, Bellinghausen AL, Biehl M, Dangayach NS, Goldstein NM, Hoehn KS, Islam M, Jagpal S, Johnson AB, Jolley SE, Kloos JA, Mahoney EJ, Maley JH, Martin SF, McSparron JI, Mery M, Saft H, Santhosh L, Schwab K, Villalba D, Sevin CM, Montgomery AA. Characteristics of Post-ICU and Post-COVID Recovery Clinics in 29 U.S. Health Systems. Critical Care Explorations. 2022;4(3).  PMCID: PMC8913088


Tayler L, Jolley S, Ramani C, Mayer KP, Sevin C, Enflield K, Whitmann G, Zwischenberger JP, Rove J. Early Post-Hospitalization Recovery After Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in Survivors of COVID-19. Journal Thoracic Cardiovascular Surgery. 2022. S0022-5223 (22). DOI: 10.1016/j.jtcvs.2021.11.099


Morelli N, Parry SM, Steele A, Lusby M, Montgomery-Yates AA, Morris PE, and Mayer KP. Patients surviving critical COVID-19 have impairments in dual-task performance related to Post-Intensive Care Syndrome. Journal of Intensive Care Medicine. Published ahead of print. 2022.


Morelli N, Johnson N F, Cassity E P, Kalema AG, Morris PE, Montgomery-Yates AM, and Mayer KP. Feasibility of Contrasting Brain Connectivity Patterns in Cognitive and Motor Cerebral Networks to Clinical Outcomes in Patients Surviving Acute Respiratory Failure: A Pilot Study. Cureus. 2021. Vol 13(9): e17785. PMID: 34659996.


Mayer KP, Steele AK, Soper MK, Branton JD, Lusby ML, Kalema AG, Dupont-Versteegden EE, Montgomery AA. Physical Therapy Management of an Individual with Post-COVID Syndrome: A Case Report. Physical Therapy Journal.  2021. 101(6). PMID: 33735380. DOI: 10.1093/ptj/pzab098


Mayer KP, Thompson-Bastin ML, Montgomery-Yates AA, Pastva AM, Parry SM, Dupont-Versteegden EE, and Morris PE. Acute skeletal muscle wasting and dysfunction predict physical disability at hospital discharge in patients with critical illness. Critical Care. 2020. Vol 24, 637. PMID: 33148301. PMCID: PMC7640401


Mayer KP, Parry SM, Kalema AG, Soper MK, Montgomery-Yates, AA and Morris PE. Safety and Feasibility of an Interdisciplinary Treatment Approach to Optimize Recovery From Critical Coronavirus Disease 2019. Critical Care Explorations. 2021. Vol 3(8):e051619. PMID: 34476403. DOI: 10.1097/CCE.0000000000000516


Mayer KP, Boustany H, Kalema AG, Cassity EP, Soper MK, Hatton Kolpek J, Montgomery-Yates, AA. ICU Recovery Clinic Attendance, Attrition, and Patient Outcomes: The Impact of Severity of Illness, Gender, and Rurality. Critical Care Explorations. 2020. Vol 2(10):e0206. PMID: 33063022. PMCID: PMC7523871


Mayer KP, Sturgill JL, Kalema AG, Soper MK, Seif SM, Cassity EP, Hatton-Kolpek J, Dupont- Versteegden EE, Montgomery-Yates AA, and Morris PE. A case report describing recovery from COVID-19 and ARDS: The potential role of an ICU Recovery Clinic. Journal of Medical Case Reports. 2020. Vol 14(1), 161. PMCID: PMC748155. PMCID: PMC7481550


ACTIV-3/Therapeutics for Inpatients with COVID-19 (TICO) Study Group. Efficacy and safety of two neutralising monoclonal antibody therapies, sotrovimab and BRII-196 plus BRII-198, for adults hospitalised with COVID-19 (TICO): a randomised controlled trial. Lancet Infect Diseases. 2022. 22(5):622-635. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(21)00751-9. PMCID: PMC8700279


ACTIV-3/TICO LY-CoV555 Study Group, Lundgren JD, Grund B, Barkauskas CE, Holland TL, Gottlieb RL, Sandkovsky U, Brown SM, Knowlton KU, Self WH, Files DC, Jain MK, Benfield T, Bowdish ME, Leshnower BG, Baker JV, Jensen JU, Gardner EM, Ginde AA, Harris ES, Johansen IS, Markowitz N, Matthay MA, Østergaard L, Chang CC, Davey VJ, Goodman A, Higgs ES, Murray DD, Murray TA, Paredes R, Parmar MKB, Phillips AN, Reilly C, Sharma S, Dewar RL, Teitelbaum M, Wentworth D, Cao H, Klekotka P, Babiker AG, Gelijns AC, Kan VL, Polizzotto MN, Thompson BT, Lane HC, Neaton JD. A Neutralizing Monoclonal Antibody for Hospitalized Patients with Covid-19. New England Journal of Medicine. 2021. Vol 384(10):905-914. PMID: 33356051. PMCID: PMC7781100