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DAISY Nurse Leader Award Nomination Form

The DAISY Nurse Leader Award logo - Honoring nurses internationally in memory of J. Patrick Barnes.

What is the DAISY Award?

The DAISY Nurse Leader Award was created to shine a light on those who do not typically have direct patient care as part of their work (COVID aside for many managers) as well as those who create an environment where compassionate, skillful care thrives.

In many facilities this award is used to recognize nurse managers, directors, assistant managers, charge nurses, educators, chief nursing officers, preceptors, informatics nurses, and patient flow nurses. 

Additionally, the demands on nurse leaders include:

  • They provide a haven of safety for staff, both physically and emotionally
  • They ensure standards of quality patient care are maintained
  • They ensure nurses have access to the technology and equipment they need – and the information
  • They manage human and financial resources across staffing, supplies and more
  • They drive team development, resiliency, and competency, ensuring their team members are recognized for the work they do for patients and families
  • These leaders provide a setting where compassion is valued, and staff, in turn, treat patients and their families with deep humanity


Nurse leaders are recognized for:

  • Role model for compassion and exemplary practice
  • Role model behavior perceived as extraordinary
  • Creates an environment that fosters care compassion
  • Creates an environment where attributes of trust, compassion, mutual respect, continued professional development and ethical behavior are modeled and supported
  • Motivates staff with a shared vision and enthusiasm to achieve better outcomes for themselves and for their patients
  • Mentors staff
  • Accessible, available and responsive to the needs of others, encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving for individuals and with the context of teams
  • Promotes and enhances the image of nursing within the organization, the community and the profession

Nomination Form

I would like to nominate:

as a deserving recipient of The DAISY Award. This nurse’s clinical skills and especially her/his compassionate care exemplify the kind of nurse that our patients, their families, and our staff recognize as an outstanding role model.
UK Location (please check one)
Please describe a specific situation or story that clearly demonstrates how this nurse leader made a meaningful difference. To be eligible, you must write at least 100 words and give specific examples of outstanding care.  
Thank you for taking the time to nominate an extraordinary nurse leader for this award. Please tell us about yourself, so that we may include you in the celebration of this award should the nurse you nominated be chosen.
I am (please check one):
Your Name