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Nursing Faculty Orientation FAQs

Find answers to some frequently asked questions about Nursing Faculty Orientation below.

General information

Who is the contact for student placement this semester?

Please direct all questions and communications to:

Elaine Smith, Staff Development

Where can I find the current faculty and student handbooks with required orientation content and documents?

Handbooks and faculty forms will be available in the electronic database when you are assigned as a clinical instructor.

What if I am a new clinical faculty member to UK?

All new clinical faculty members to the University of Kentucky are required to set up an appointment to meet with the student placement coordinator (Elaine Smith) prior to starting clinicals. This enables new clinical instructors to get an introduction to UK Healthcare and faculty requirements.

What documents do I need to collect from students to turn in?

Students must review the Student Handbook and complete all onboarding documents in the electronic database. Additional documentation may be required per the clinical affiliation agreement. Please refer to your school administration to ensure compliance.

What documents do I need to turn in for myself or my clinical instructors?

Clinical faculty will submit required faculty documentation annually. It is the responsibility of the Clinical Faculty to maintain up-to-date records (for example, submitting a copy of a new CPR card). All required forms should be completed and returned, even if you have had access before or are currently employed by UK HealthCare. Additional documentation may be required per the clinical affiliation agreement. Please refer to your school administration to ensure compliance.

Identification badges

What is the process for getting student ID badges?

Each school should have student nurse badges for their students from UK Healthcare.  The clinical instructor will assign these badges to each student in the clinical group. At the end of the semester, the clinical instructor must get the UK student nurse badge back from the clinical student so that the clinical instructor can use it again the next semester. Each student must wear the UK student nurse badge along with their school ID when on the floor.

The clinical instructor for all schools will need to complete the identification badge assignment form and email it to the student placement coordinator at and Security at at least one week prior to the start date for the badges to be activated.  This form will be available to the instructor in the electronic database.

What is the process for getting instructor ID badges?

Clinical instructors will still need an individualized UK HealthCare Badge that they can obtain thru Security.  Please email the student placement coordinator for details.


  • Faculty and students are responsible for obtaining a parking pass for UK Albert B. Chandler Hospital, Kentucky Children’s Hospital and UK Good Samaritan Hospital.
  • Faculty members are eligible for an E parking permit; non-UK College of Nursing faculty should apply for a “Visiting Professor” parking permit. Permits can be obtained at Parking Structure #6, on the corner of Virginia and Press avenues.
  • Students who plan to drive may apply online for a student parking permit on the UK Transportation Services page.
    • Students enrolled at the University of Kentucky follow standard student procedures to obtain parking.
    • Students enrolled in other colleges and universities are required to apply in person at 721 Press Ave. (inside Parking Structure #6, on the corner of Virginia and Press avenues).
    • Students with rotation at UK Good Samaritan Hospital are permitted with proper permit to park in Parking Structure #5, Scott Street lots, and High Street lot.
    • For more information, the Transportation Services phone number is 859-257-5757.
  • Parking is not permitted in any of the hospital patient/family parking structures.

EPIC (EHR) training and access

What if I am requesting Epic (EHR) documentation access for my students? 

  • An Epic request form should be completed by the nursing school (name of student, date of birth, email, dates of clinical, and instructor name should be included).
  • In addition to making the request for access, students are required to complete appropriate learning modules, competency post-tests, and signed confidentiality agreement forms. These items must be completed before students are permitted to access the electronic health record (EHR).
  • For returning students, this process remains the same. Submission of spreadsheet information and documentation of training/competency with signed confidentiality agreement forms are required each semester access is requested.

How do I get the student Epic (EHR) learning modules and competency post-tests to have my students complete?

  • You will need to provide students with their linkblue IDs (receive from the student placement coordinator).
  • The students will then go to the Epic Trainings web page
  • Username will be the student’s linkblue, and the password will be changeme.
  • They will then be asked to reset their password.
  • The students, once logged in, will need to select the course for the semester they are enrolled.
  • They are to complete the module and the post-test. A certificate of completion should be given to their clinical instructor on the first day of clinical. Copies of the completed certificate from the students are not necessary to include in the student paperwork.

What if I, the clinical instructor, have never attended an EPIC (EMR) clinical instructor training class?

Clinical instructors are required to complete instructor training, please contact the student placement coordinator (Elaine Smith) to schedule.

What if I am a returning instructor who previously attended the clinical instructor training class and I have been active in the Epic system within the past 6 months?

A refresher training module will be available on the Epic Trainings web page. Access to this site will be given by the student placement coordinator.

What if I am a returning instructor who previously attended the clinical instructor training class and I have NOT been active in the Epic system within the past 6 months?

You are required to repeat classroom training if a period of inactivity in the Epic system exceeding 6 months has passed.

I work at UK HealthCare and have Epic access already. What do I need to do?

While your current Epic access as an employee will serve as your login for your instructor role, you will need to attend an initial Epic clinical instructor training class and follow the same guidelines as non-UK employed instructors. There are different documentation and access requirements for your role as clinical instructor. You must train on the differences and complete the access request process to receive the appropriate instructor access.

For questions or additional information, please contact: 
Elaine Smith
859-200-0865 (cell phone)

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